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We are a Masonic Family Camping Club composed of Master Masons, their families, and the widows of our deceased Brethren who died while they were active NCT members. There are approximately 65 Chapters throughout the United States and Canada.

The basic unit of NCT is the Chapter. Each Chapter is led by a Master of Travel, assisted by a Wagon Master, Secretary-Treasurer, Chaplain, Safety Director and the Chapter Trustees. District_image2Between the Chapter Officers and the National Officers, we have, in many cases, a State or Provincial Director and a District Director. A District is usually composed of about four States and/or Provinces.

There are two categories of regular members – those belonging to a Chapter and the Members-at-large. If there is a Chapter to which a member can belong , he is, in all probability, going to derive more from his membership by belonging to and participating in the activities of that Chapter. A member may have associate membership in as many Chapters as he desires. He is only required to pay his National dues one time annually; the Chapter through which he pays his National dues is considered his HOME Chapter.

Check out NCT’s National Website at:



Camping Travelers